
How to request pre-retrofit home evaluation?

Please call 289-775-4171/905-807-6882 or email us at appointments@greenhomeconsulting.ca to book the pre-retrofit home evaluation.

What to expect from your pre-retrofit home evaluation?

An energy advisor will assess your home from basement to attic. This will give you an EnerGuide rating for your home and an energy efficiency report to help you make decisions about possible upgrades.

Before the energy advisor arrives, if you have a wood-burning appliance, please remove any ashes from the fireplace/appliance so that they are not drawn into the house during the blower door test. Also, please provide a clear path to all attic spaces, basement, crawl spaces and mechanical equipment.

We will send you pre-evaluation reports within 3-4 weeks. For more information Click Here

Please keep below listed documents handy – Ontario Customers.
1) Property tax bill.
2) Enbridge gas bill if you are enbridge gas customer.

How to request post-retrofit home evaluation?

Once you finish all the upgrades, please email us at appointments@greenhomeconsulting.ca or text us at 289-248-3694 to book your post-retrofit evaluation.

What happens after post-retrofit home evaluation?

We will send you post evaluation reports within 3-4 weeks. Energy advisor who did your post retrofit evaluation will submit your rebate application to NRCan/Enbridge gas. You will get rebate cheque from Enbridge gas (Ontario customers).


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